Fruitful discussions: a tapmag editorial meeting in 2007.
Our editorial team consists of about 20 individuals. Most of them are freelance writers. There is however a founding team, which forms the spine of tapmag’s editorial department:
Peter A. Dahl, 27, has left Denmark to study North American Studies and Islamic Science at the Freie Universität Berlin. He is one of the organizers behind tapmag, and frequently proposes ideas to develop tapmag further.
Additionally to being our Northern Europe editor, his areas of interest are daily life and American youth/subculture. He contributes to articles dealing with the conflict between Islamic and Western world. As a traveler between cultures, Peter is a great example of tapmag’s concept of crossing the lines of cultural one- sidedness and arrogance.
Dirk has set up tapmag’s homepage with Kolja (see pictures below).
Dirk Jacquemien, 23, is studying North American Studies and Political Sciences at the Freie Universität Berlin. He graduated from a business high school. Being our specialist in the technical area, he is in charge of the administration of tapmag’s blog and wiki.
When it comes to writing, Dirk’s strength is in-depth analysis of political and economic developments. With his broad knowledge in these fields, he is an enrichment to our team, and is able to explain complicated processes and their consequences in intelligent, yet witty terms
Here are Kolja, Semir, Jessica, and Peter (from left) at one of tapmag’s meetings.
Jessica Binsch, 23, hold a BA in Communications from the Free University of Berlin. She has completed a number of internships in the media world and is currently studying Journalism at Northwestern University.
Jessica is an organizational genius and keeps the machine running. As our media editor she comments on the key issues facing journalism today.
Semir shares his view on tapmag.
Semir Chouaibi, 28, is studying Islamic Science and North American Studies in Berlin. Additionally to working with tapmag, he is Online Editor of
Semir often conducts interviews for tapmag. He also puts his aesthetic talents to work by producing crisp photo-essays and illustrating articles. Being open-minded and creative, he frequently points out topics that would be interesting to cover, or new ways to present them.
Not without my laptop: Kolja is in the loop.
Kolja Langnese, 26, is studying Communication and North American Studies with a focus on media and economics. He has worked for Welt Online, and is an assistant at the Department of Economics at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute. Kolja has gained further insight into practices of journalism through a number of internships.
One of his strengths lies within the area of researching and editing tapmag’s articles. He is responsible for the magazine’s style guidelines and makes sure they are followed accurately. His specialty are longer in-depth reports, providing the readers with substantial background knowledge.
Nicole Glur, 26, studied Visual Communication at FH Freiburg and currently works at Adjouri, a Berlin-based communication agency.
Site design based on Grid Focus by Derek Punsalan.

tapmag by Jessica Binsch, Semir Chouaibi, Peter A. Dahl, Dirk Jacquemien and Kolja Langnese is copyrighted under the following creative commons license from Germany: Creative Commons Namensnennung-Keine kommerzielle Nutzung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz.
Verantwortlich nach § 55 I RStV: Dirk Jacquemien, Siegmunds Hof 2-4, 10555 Berlin
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