Mar 29, 2009
Starting on April 15th, the team of tapmag will offer a student-run seminar at the John F. Kennedy Institute of the Free University of Berlin. The KVV files it under “Reporting America – How to Write, Edit, Research, and Publish as a Transatlantic Journalist“.
In a collaborative fashion, we want to explore the multi-faceted world of transatlantic journalism, get comfortable writing, and become familiar with the latest Web 2.0-tools. We will invite exciting guests who will help us in our quest. Last but not least, CNN Germany has agreed to cooperate with the seminar. We will publish our results on, and CNN will award the best entry.
Here’s the syllabus:
- Introduction
- Q&A with Michael Dobbs (Washington Post) on transatlantic Journalism and his career
- How to set up a blog and make it beautiful
- Journalism 101
- CNN, & Social Media for Journalists, Guests: Dr. Amelie Heinrichsdorff (Director PR & Corporate Affairs CNN), Joerg Buddenberg (Marketing Manager CNN Germany)
- Writing for the Enemy, Workshop Session: Exercise in writing from different political viewpoints (e.g. Huffington Post, Foxnation, etc.)
- Writing for the Net, Guest: Joerg Wolf (Atlantic Review, Atlantic Community)
- No session
- Transatlantic Journalim Erklaert, Guest: Scot Stevenson (
- Presentation articles for the CNN ireport contest
- The other Voice, Guest: Al-Jazzera reporter Dalila Nadi
- Q&A with Jerry Gerber (Press Secretary Democrats Abroad)
- Tba
- Final of the CNN contest, Guest: CNN correspondent Frederik Pleitgen (requested)
- Sum-Up & BBQ
This seminar is open to the public, you don’t have to be a student of the Free University to attend. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the JFK-Institute!
Mar 25, 2009
Maybe it’s been a while ago that you fell in love, or maybe it was just yesterday. But childhood loves bear a special significance to many of us. They shaped who we are looking for in the opposite sex, what we want to be “when we grow up”, or which food we like.

First Loves in Polaroids on
The site has collected many such stories, from falling in love with spaghetti to memories of first pets. They’re funny, heart-warming, and sure to make you laugh. There’s also someone who shares my first love. His name is Frank and he is 80 years old, but I think I have to visit him someday because he has what I want: an own library.
By Jessica Binsch
Mar 6, 2009
Teach for America has been sending graduates from top universities to poor communities for 20 years. In addition to teaching, they are meant to be role models for their students. Now the idea is implemented in Germany, too – but not everyone is happy with that.

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Nov 13, 2008
With his election for President of the United States, Barack Obama has again given proof to the notion that if you are willing to work hard and dream big, you may be able to fulfil those dreams one day. Now, the number 3 through 300 spots are up for grabs. And to qualiy for those, dreaming big is not enough.

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Oct 26, 2008
One indicator for the influence of a nation in the world is the number of people willing to devote their academic career to the studies of said nation. According to this measure, the future isn’t looking very bright for the United States, if you follow this article in Time magazine. Applications for American Studies have significantly dropped in Great Britain in the last years, even though regional studies are still in fashion.
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Jan 6, 2008
It is not a small goal that the founders of website Europe for Students have set for themselves.

“We want to link students across Europe”, Thomas Brünne told German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau. The website wants to help students who attempt to go for a semester abroad get through the jungle of different education systems, find the cool places to hang out, a job, or a room- basically, all you need for studying and living, and all that across Europe. So if you’ve ever wondered which universities provides the right classes for your semester abroad in France, how to find a cheap stay in Barcelona, or if Vilnius is really the new party- capital, you can find the information here. [Read more]
Nov 5, 2007
This is a liveblog from the grand opening of the Graduate School of North American Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. Since all the speakers hold their speeches in German, this post will now switch its language:

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Sep 23, 2007
Eine einfache Frage während einem Auftritt John Kerrys an der Universität von Florida, in Gainesville, beschäftigte in den letzten Tagen die Amerikanische Öffentlichkeit. Verschiedene Videos zeigen den Studenten Andrew Meyer, wie er den Senatoren und ehemaligen Präsidentschaftskandidaten daran erinnert, dass dieser die Wahlen von 2004 doch eigentlich gewonnen habe und ihn schliesslich fragt, wie er das damals erlebt habe. [Read more]