Sep 7, 2007
When was the last time a hoard of crying Muslims set your flag on fire? If you are from Denmark, like I am, it couldn’t have been more than 20 months ago.

It is a funny thing symbols, really. One day, they’re decorating your birthday cake, the next, they’re burning on the West Bank. One day, they’re in your daily Qur’an, the next, they’re in a Danish, a French or a German newspaper with a bomb in their turban. One day, some Americans think your country is the capital of Stockholm (not kidding!), the next, they’re “supporting the Danes’ rights to freedom of speech” by drinking Carlsberg and eating Danish hot-dogs during football games. Seems ridiculous? It is. And it is not.
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Sep 6, 2007

There is more to Potsdam than just Popcorn. You wouldn’t want to miss the RBB canteen, the deserted Uni Potsdam Campus on a Sunday night or a group of 35 young and aspiring journalists engaged in dead-serious media discussion and production. That’s quite a treat actually
After day two and three of the M100 Youth Media Workshop we can safely say our first impression did not last very long. Day two started with the introduction of all the participants’ projects.
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Sep 1, 2007

A lot can be said about Potsdam. Probably most of the stuff is true.
Located a stone’s throw west of Berlin, Potsdam drew national attention on Easter Sunday 2006, as a German-Ethiopian husband and father was sent into a coma by the blow to the head by an assumed, yet unidentified, right extremist. It was a punch on the nose for a nation, desperately fighting to move past its all too tragic past.
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Aug 11, 2007

The first posting on our shiny new website is great news for all of us:
The tapmag project was selected as one of the best in a range of 100 competitors from 21 countries. So we will participate in the Youth Media Workshop in Potsdam.
Log on to the M100 website to learn more: