“Forget the pie charts, color-coded maps and hyperventilating pundits. What’s the street-level experience of voters in today’s America? In a triumph of documentary storytelling, “Election Day” combines 11 stories — shot simultaneously on November 2, 2004, from dawn until long past midnight — into one.”
The documentary streams throughout July 2008, ending on July 31. Only 4 days left!!!
In a little more than 13 hours, U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama will stand in the golden hue of Victoria, at the foot of Prussian greatness, walking in the footsteps of American greats before him.
With Barack Obama speaking at the Siegessäule this Thursday, the American presidential campaign has now definitely arrived in Germany. We spoke with Jan Burdinski, program director for Republicans Abroad Germany, and Jerry Gerber, press secretary for Democrats Abroad Berlin, about the impact of the election in Germany and the possible role of Americans living here.
They did it. With the stroke of a pen, The New Yorker did what the Republicans have been trying to do ever since Obama proved a force to be reckoned with in the 2008 election: they created the perfect GOP Smear Campaign poster.
On its July 21, 2008, cover, The New Yorker is portraying Barack and Michelle Obama in the Oval Office as fist-bumping, ‘fro donning (Michelle), US flag burning, bin-Laden-outfit wearing (Obama) and bin-Laden praising (crowning the mantlepiece) connivers.
The Obama Campaign is incensed, and HuffPost is not about to quench the fire. But let’s be honest: this cartoon barely has enough spark to ignite the bomb in the Prophet Muhammad’s turban (if you still don’t know how it got there, ask Jyllands-Posten), let alone a firecracker. To be sure, I’m not even certain if this qualifies as a stroke for freedom of speech.
As if Americans didn’t have enough on their plates with foreclosures and rising unemployment, the obesity epidemic continues to weigh down the Land of the Free.
I feel like waking up from a bad dream only to realize the dream is reality. It’s true, I will not be the Democratic Nominee for the Presidential Election 2008. There, I said it. All those scavengers in the media would love to have that quote. There is more meat sticking to it than there’s pork in Washington. And here I am, telling you, but not telling them.
You know, I always said to Bill “We can not and will not be defeated!” For christsakes, he got into the White House, and he knows probably half as much about health care, trade negotiations and the Iraq War as I do. Who could – no, better – who dared to stop me? I had the pundits, I had the funding, I had the media. I was a historical inevitability. [Read more]
For five and a half hours last night, and all day today the Democratic Rules and Bylaws Committee was debating what do with the contested primaries of Michigan and Florida. And hell, were they debating. It’s a nightmare for the Democratic Party but a wet dream for C-SPAN addicts and, most of all, this guy:
Is it women’s issues or the bathing suit competition after all?
On Sunday, May 18, Melinda Henneberger cleared up some misconceptions about women voters. And she should know, as she has traveled the U.S. for two years to find an answer to the question: How do women voters chose their candidate?
Just when you thought the Dems were beginning to move in circles, looking to something as colorful as gas taxes to spike the “Donkey Punch,” Obama supporters turn the knobs and change the beat.
Following Will.I.Am’s wildly popular “Yes We Can,” featuring soul saint John Legend, basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and the angelic Scarlett Johansson (just to name a few), TI$A (from the superior, but much overlooked, hip-hop/r’n'b producer/writer/super group Sa-Ra Creative Partners) drops another MTV/Hollywood gem to keep the election spectacle vibrant.
On July 21, 1944, American troops retook Guam from the Japanese. For almost 64 years after that crucial victory in World War II, absolutely nothing happened there. Until now.