Chomsky: “The European reaction to Obama is a European delusion.”
Grand seigneur of the intellectual left in the US, Noam Chomsky has given the Spiegel an interview. He makes it pretty clear that Europeans shouldn’t hope for much from a possible President Obama.
SPIEGEL: “Change” is the slogan of this year’s presidential election. Do you see any chance for an immediate, tangible change in the United States? Or, to use use Obama’s battle cry: Are you “fired up”?
Chomsky: Not in the least. The European reaction to Obama is a European delusion.
SPIEGEL: But he does say things that Europe has long been waiting for. He talks about the trans-Atlantic partnership, the priority of diplomacy and the reconciling of American society.
Chomsky: That is all rhetoric. Who cares about that? This whole election campaign deals with soaring rhetoric, hope, change, all sorts of things, but not with issues.
He has more to say about the state of American democracy and the 2008 elections. Chomsky touches upon the role religion plays for campaign managers, the narrow spectre of choices voters are given and McCain’s honest suggestion that this election really is about personality and not issues, as the Obama campaign claims. The full interview is here.
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Xavier Carlos Zigler
If Mr. Chomsky thinks the election of a member of a despised minority, a man whose wife is descended from people who were kidnapped raped and forced to work without compensation for other people for centuries, then he is more delusional, more caught up in theories, and less comfortable with objective fact than the deficiencies of the English language will allow this Black, minimum-wage working, Catholic to express.
Nov 5th, 2008
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